Maria Hogg
Maria is Emily’s cousin, best known for her work in Less Than Zero, the rockingest band east of the Mississippi.

Nori Limarzi
Nori is Johnny’s older sister. She doesn’t have a Facebook account, and consequently she doesn’t have a picture on this website.

Mary Maples
Mary is one of Emily’s friends from the Villa. Apparently, she is a big fan of coonskin caps.

Robyn Russo
Robyn is another one of Emily’s friends from the Villa. Her dad makes his own sausage.

Nicole Diamant
Nicole is yet another one of Emily’s friends from the Villa. As Maid of Honor, it’s her job to make sure everyone gets up and gets down.

Mike Limarzi
Mike is also one of Emily’s friends from the Villa, but he’s not a bridesmaid. He’s Johnny’s brother and Best Man.

Peppi Limarzi
Peppi is yet another of Johnny’s brothers. Oddly enough, he does have Facebook. What is the world coming to?

Pete Beck
Pete is Emily’s brother and will be more than willing to share a beer with you at the wedding.

Dan Beck
Dan is also Emily’s brother. He’s more likely to take your beer, though.
The Bridal Party

Click on the cartoons above to find out more about the people in the wedding.